Nikki Savage
Yoga Instructor
“We are stardust, we are golden
We are billion-year-old carbon
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden” ~ Joni Mitchell
Nikki started her yogic journey probably like most. She went seeking one thing and found everything. It took a long while before she became a yoga teacher. Finally deciding because teaching is best way to learn. And there will always be more to know and understand.
Besides teaching yoga classes, Nikki loves to discuss/ponder/explore/be in consciousness (like involution and evolution), nature (both inner and mother), and wholistic wellness (from energy to matter). She believes the human mind-body-spirit complex is amazing, awe-some, and capable of so much more than we know. She practices yoga to find spaciousness and graciousness in body, breath and time and hopes sharing may help others find space and grace for themselves too.