Featuring Bernadette, NS Teacher
Become as grounded as a Caterpillar as you experience a fold forward to balance your chi and prepare the body for meditation and/or any other postures added to your practice.
Stresses the ligaments along the back of the spine
Compresses the stomach organs, which helps strengthen the organs of digestion
Stimulates the kidneys
Since the heart is below the spine, the heart is massaged
benefits from
Sit on a folded blanket and extend your legs out in front of you
Rest your elbows on your thighs of the folder and let gravity do the work
Stay for 3-5 minutes or even more over time
Bend your knees and wrap your hands around them as you fold
Place a blanket/bolster under your knees as you fold
Place a bolster/block on top of your legs to support you as you fold
Keep one leg extended and bend your other leg and place your foot on your inner thigh as you fold forward
Place a sandbag on the back to deepen your fold
Consider also experiencing this space by lying on your back
In Legs up the Wall {Waterfall} with your legs resting on the wall
Place a bolster under your sacrum to support the lift of your legs
In Dewdrop with the strap around the back of the head and your feet and/or by holding the strap around the feet
Practice Snail with the legs overhead on your back
Practice our pose of the month with us in your next Studio or Virtual class.