And Suddenly We Emerge Into Something New

Emerging can come softly in small moments of change or swiftly with hard decisions and conversations with no conclusion other than an ending to a chapter in time.

Emerging can feel light sometimes or oh so heavy at other times.

Emerging is starting or experiencing something new when there are so many options before you and the only way to move forward is to plunge into the experience.

Emerging is the next step after believing in yourself, your journey and your dreams.

We spent May at the Storms focusing on the topic of BELIEVE. 

We asked you to believe in you, believe in your dreams, believe in seeing the good, believe anything is possible.

No matter how hard it was to sit and wait, now more than ever there is a greater opportunity to be who we want to be..

Life is all about timing and now is the time to EMERGE into something new.

There were many lessons this past year and so many ways to create change from wherever it was calling.

We learned we can say YES when it feels good; NO thank you when it does not.

We learned how to get creative.

We learned how to be graceful and let go of what is not serving us as we step into the new and good!

We learned sometimes things have to fall and break.

But, through it all, the energy of believing, those spaces your heart wants to share, can and will tell you beautiful things are coming as you emerge out of the dark and into the light.

We believe that we can become a better version of ourselves, we believe there is a tribe, a community, a world that can support our dreams. On the way up, being supported, seen, and feeling safe to grow IS essential. Anyone or anything that does not provide that support needs to be let go of to leave space for new light to come in.

Just a few questions that are essential on the path of emerging …

  • What are you letting go?

  • What will you emerge into? (Can you see it?!)

  • Who will be with you to support your journey?

  • What do you need to do everyday to support this new path?

  • What will you do on the other side? (It’s always nice to have some sort of reward on the other side).

You got this and the Storms are here to support you in your journey. Wherever you feel called, go to those places, follow the light, your light and keep growing!

Share your insights on your favorite social channel and tag + @inspiring.storm. com with the hashtag #nsemerge or join the conversation through our Spiraling to Wellness Member Portal Monday May 7th at 7pm. Message Kristin at for more details.


Bakasana — Take the Leap


Dhanurasana — Believing in Bow Pose