Inspiration & Guidance for Nourishment

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Eucalyptus {Make Space}

This month, we are focusing on cultivating healing spaces, featuring eucalyptus as our signature scent. In various traditions, eucalyptus is associated with purification and healing. Regardless of the type of new space you seek—be it within your mind, your schedule, or the environments that nurture your healing and growth—we encourage you to reflect on the following questions..

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Jasmine {Leap into Love}

Allowing yourself to wholeheartedly love someone or something can be incredibly daunting, particularly if you've previously experienced deep love followed by heartbreak. We often say that with love comes loss, and it’s better to have loved, even if it leads to sorrow. The reality is that we know we will eventually lose the people and things we cherish—either gradually or all at once. The question remains: would we rather shield ourselves from pain, or is love truly worth the risk?

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Sandalwood {Be Open to Possibility}

Sandalwood is a time-honored incense material that has been utilized for thousands of years in both homes and temples. Hailing from Indonesia, it is prized for its wood and oil, which are important in construction and serve as a prominent note in perfumes. Sandalwood is associated with inner peace, mental clarity, and openness

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

2025 Themes “Scents & Simplicity”

We enter this new year with open hearts and minds, brimming with potential. We are dedicating 2025 to embracing scents and simplicity, taking time to slow down and notice what unfolds around us. Whether it's recognizing a fragrance in the air, pausing for a moment of mindfulness, or even becoming aware of recurring thought or pattern that, with fresh insight, might guide us closer to our true path. The inner practice of yoga provides a safe haven to explore these possibilities, while the world around us is also continuously offering reminders to remain present as we savor each moment, day by day. 

So here is to a happy, healthy new year filled with all the elements that inspire hope, peace, joy and simplicity!

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Amaryllis (Splendid Beauty & Pride)

We greet the end of this “year of flowers” with Amaryllis as our theme representing splendid beauty and pride. When we have a beautiful light to shine, we should show it off; not in a boastful way, but in a way that illuminates the beauty of others and the world around us. We should look back with pride on all of our accomplishments and move forward with vulnerability so we are open to new challenges that strengthen and fulfill us

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Astragalus {Generous Love & Influence}

We are coming into a season of giving and being generous with our time, resources, and love (including love of self). We look to the Astragalus plant as our November theme, also known as Huang qí, meaning “yellow life force”. Love truly is a force that can influence everything we do and everyone we meet. Set aside some time to give thought to how we carry this force and how we accept it from others.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Goldenrod {Encouragement + Prosperity}

Lovely Goldenrod is our October theme of the month representing encouragement and prosperity, both very proactive ideals. Goldenrod is thought to contain healing properties and apparently came in very handy when all of the regular tea was dumped into Boston Harbor. So, throughout this month, why not encourage our own independent spirits to prosper in life, health, love, and compassion

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Sunflowers {Loyalty + Admiration}

September – when the warmth of summer lingers and fall teases us with cool breezes. Our theme of the month is Loyalty and Admiration represented by the Sunflower. After all, who doesn’t stop to admire and wonder at these cheerful yellow blossoms that show up for us each year.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Bergamot {Enchantment + Irresistibility}

A wildflower, Bergamot appeals to our irresistible urges to be unconstrained in displaying our beautiful nature and to grow and learn in a diverse, yet interconnected world. As the summer winds down and we prepare for a new season, Our theme calls to us consider how to keep the wonder and enchantment alive.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Cosmos {Harmony + Order}

Summer is in full swing as we journey into our July Spiraling to Wellness themes of harmony and order, represented by the bright and beautiful Cosmos flowering plant. This time of year, schedules sometimes go out the window as we try capture the brightest and sunniest days for relaxation and fun. We may have to look at harmony and order from a different perspective; diving deeper into nature, relationships, and life in general and see what surprises you.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Peony {Enduring Beauty + Happiness}

Peonies are glorious in their presentation, yet delicate to the touch. Our June Spiraling to Wellness theme of the month, Enduring Beauty & Happiness, tells us that, like Peonies, we can always show up brilliantly and also let ourselves be vulnerable to the unending joy that awaits us. Following are some questions to think about as spring turns into summer.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Lilac {Renewal + Confidence}

With the abundance of spring uplifting us, we go forward into May with our theme of renewal and confidence represented by our flower of the month, the lily.

We embrace the warmer weather shedding our winter wear and, along with it, anything that weighs us down. We enter the outside world with confidence that winter storms have passed and the whole earth is renewing itself.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Plumeria {Grace + Charm}

Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace. – French Proverb

As we embrace spring, we chose plumeria to represent our April theme of grace and charm. This flower represents both creation and re-creation. Spring can be a time to create brand new ways to bloom in our lives, our practices, and our joys. We don’t always have to start at the beginning, though. Staying within our authenticity, we can also explore ways to continually refresh and restore our compassion, vulnerability, and connectedness. Here are some questions to ponder as you take in nature’s flawless beauty.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Cala Lily {Purity + Innocence}

The March Spiraling to Wellness theme of the month is Purity and Innocence, represented by the lovely Cala Lilly. Different colors have different meanings, but all point toward a gentleness of spirit and appreciation of beauty within us and others. The Cala Lily is often symbolic of a rite of passage. Maybe we can find gratitude and awe in the first buds of spring and embrace that renewal and rebirth in areas of our own lives.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Cyclamen {Deep Love + Affection}

The beautiful Cyclamen with its expressive petals, vibrant colors, and (almost) heart-shaped leaves is the perfect flower to embody for our February Spiraling to Wellness theme. It speaks of love and devotion, possibilities and playfulness, and passion and desire. As we cozy up in this chilly month, maybe we go deep inside ourselves to call up these strong emotions and unlock their potential for all of those you want to send love to….including, and most especially, yourself. Following are some questions to get your journey started.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Our 2024 Themes: “The Language of Flowers”

And now we flow into a new year, filled with new possibilities, experiences, joys, and challenges, we have looked to nature—in particular, the world of flowers—to inspire our 2024 themes. Flowers speak to us in times of happiness, sorrow, healing, gratitude, and renewal. They have a language all their own and the ones we have chosen will hopefully resonate with each of you as we take in their beauty and celebrate their meanings and messages throughout each month.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Witch Hazel {Protection + Magical Beginnings}

Witch Hazel, our January theme, encompasses new and magical beginnings, healing and protection, and the promise of spring. This flowering shrub is long known for its medicinal and cosmetic properties, and its branches were once used as divining rods to locate water. As we start a new year, where can we find the healing, the refreshment, and the magic?

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