
Featuring Coleen, NS Teacher

Sphinx is a great place to start your practice to open up the sacral-lumbar spine and front of the torso while also opening up jing energy through your entire body.


  • Can be a very deep compression and stimulation of the sacral-lumbar arch.

  • Tones the spine. People with bulging or herniated disks may find this very therapeutic. 

  • If the neck is dropped back, the thyroid will also be stimulated.

  • In the full Seal pose, the stomach may receive a lovely stretch, as well.

benefits from YinYoga.com


  1. From your belly move your elbows just ahead of your shoulders

  2. Draw your shoulder blades together extend your chest forward

  3. Stay here 3-5 breaths or move into Seal with your arms straight and continue to extend your heart center forward for another few minutes. 

  4. As you come out lye on your belly with one knee bent and then the other for a few moments before you move to another posture


  • Place your head on a block

  • Lay your chest on a bolster

  • Add a bolster under your hips 

  • Add a blanket, block or bolster under the thighs to lift the belly off the ground (in the case of pregnancy)


  • Extend your arms straight out (Seal)

  • Add bent knees to feel more sensation

Practice our pose of the month with us in your next Studio or Virtual class.


Sunflowers {Loyalty + Admiration}


Bergamot {Enchantment + Irresistibility}