Announcing 2022 Spiral Themes

Hello, most beautiful Spiraling to Wellness Storm Life community! This year took us in many directions, all of which brought us to a new level of understanding and a stronger place to build upon. We have evolved both individually and together in more ways than one.

Our themes guided the way, along with the energy and support of our most incredible community. If you are new to our tribe or simply would like some lovely reminders of where we danced together, here is our year in review.

2021… A look back at how we gracefully danced forward.

  • January- Choose

  • February- Accept

  • March- Rebound

  • April- Dream

  • May- Believe

  • June- Emerge

  • July- Heal

  • August- Integrate

  • September- Expand

  • October- Flourish

  • November- Unite

  • December- Transcend

This will be our 10th and BEST year.

The Storm teams and I truly hope you will dance with us in whatever way you are called.

We are beyond excited to explore our 2022 themes with you on our Spiraling to Wellness Member Portal. We are a tribe of those that believe in discovering who we are each and every day and showing up for our practices while supporting the journey of others in the most uplifting, nourishing ways. Join us for another year of Spiraling both on and off the mat with another set of universal themes centered around our guiding principles of awareness, nutrition, and movement. 

Here are some things you’ll find on the S2W portal this year!

  • Introduction to the Theme

  • Powerful Questions

  • Healing through Writing

  • Book Recommendations

  • Yoga Sequences

  • Pose Tutorials

  • Healthy Eating Tips

  • Guided Meditations

  • Rituals

  • Recipes

  • Playlists

  • Invite to our monthly talk! (Second Sunday at 10am live at Nourishing Storm)

  • And much more!!

Join us anytime! We start on January 1st!!

Contribution to join: $22/a month or $222 for the year!

Find out more on joining the portal here!

Lean on the Storm, your safe haven, to practice, nourish, connect, grow, share, and be YOU in 2022. Here’s to your most connected, fulfilled year yet!!

In Gratitude, Kristin + the NS Team


What do you ASPIRE?


TRANSCEND into the You That is Calling