TRANSCEND into the You That is Calling

What happens when…

  • you wake up and no longer feel like yourself?

  • life does not take on the shape or intensity it once had?

  • those that you trusted would dance with you have taken a different shape or path?

  • what used to drive you has become a tedious chore?

Do you become someone else?

Do you rediscover a new version of you that can only manifest when you let go of the old?

Do you open your heart and mind to all the possibilities?

Do you take the leap into something new, something different?

What I have discovered, sometimes with reluctance and other times with surprising ease and grace, is that transcending happens when it needs to happen. It starts with a voice within that tells you something isn’t right, that there is more on the other side of your fear.  When you truly listen to this voice, life takes on the rhythm of the wind with such intensity and strength that even if you wanted to stand still, you can’t. Instead you take on a new shape as you flow with the movement of change that IS calling for a new part of you to come alive!

This happens when you need to shed parts of you, let go of what is not serving you any longer. It could be a shift in a relationship, job, self care of your body and/or mind, the places you go, where you live. Those blessed shifts are not easy but you are being called and that voice keeps getting louder, urging you to follow.

What makes these shifts so intense is that the patterns we fall into have become such a part of our day-to-day experiences. They have defined us to this point and kept us safe. But now you are being asked to discover more, to break free and rise above what you know. You will need to first trust yourself, feel your intuition, and ask the deeper questions. From there you can lean into courage and community believing you’ll transcend into that something new and be supported along the way.

No one can walk this path for you or tell you what it will look like. This kind of transformation comes from within a part of you that is just as unique as your footprint in the sand. Even though it may feel like you’re alone as you move forward, as we learned this past month, when we unify in community we are stronger. Once you believe there is something more fulfilling on the other side, the right people and opportunities will come along to support you. Learn to look for and embrace these things. Keep your eyes and heart open and show up everyday for yourself and the practices that fill you up. Even if you can’t see how this new scene plays out, trust you will find your way if you honor your feelings. 

Soften, say what you feel, be honest with others and yourself, and let your community hold space for you as you evolve and elevate. When you do, you will be led to a deeper, richer experience that will change the whole landscape of your life. Allow the breeze to reshape you, for beautiful changes are coming.

Wishing you a fulfilling and heart warming last month of 2021. We will be announcing our themes for 2022 in the next few weeks. Stay tuned in and in love with your journey. Share your stories of Transcend with us by using the hashtag #nstranscend and @nourishingstorm so we can follow your journey.


Announcing 2022 Spiral Themes


A (Transcending) Dance Party