What does it mean to ADMIRE?

The word admire has many facets as you can see in the above quotes. We can admire things, people, actions. Or we can be the object of admiration. The word admire, more so than other types of compliments, brings with it a warmth and respect that we all want to feel worthy of.  In its purest form, there is no desire or ego involved, just a loving nod to something we appreciate and maybe want to emulate.

Powerful Questions:

What is something you admire in others that you want to or already have incorporated into your life? 

What qualities make a person admirable?

Do you feel confident in saying that you are worthy of admiration?

How do you interpret this following quote?

“Be the mirror in which people admire their true potential.”

– Ron Kaufman

– Questions presented by Eileen Seiler, RYT & Writer for Nourishing Storm

We meet at the Nourishing Storm Cafe the 2nd Sunday of the month at 10am to discuss these questions and the theme as a whole. Join us for our next meeting!


Rebounding — What Matters & How We Bounce Back


Side Plank Pose - Vasisthasana