Side Plank Pose - Vasisthasana


An empowering arm balance, this pose challenges your ability to stay focused and open while building incredible strength and admiring the view!


  • Strengthens the arms, belly, and legs

  • Stretches and strengthens the wrists

  • Stretches the backs of the legs

  • Improves sense of balance

– Benefits from


  1. From Plank Pose step your feet together and press your weight down through your right hand.

  2. Then, roll your body to the right, balancing on the outer edge of your right foot.

  3. Stack your left foot on top of your right foot and keep your legs straight.

  4. Extend your left arm to the sky, reaching through your fingertips as you lift your hips and firm the triceps of both arms. Feel the muscles across your shoulder blades flex. Firm your thighs, and press through your heels into the floor.

  5. Bring your body into one straight line. Gaze at your top palm. Press down through your bottom index finger.

  6. Hold for up to 30 seconds (or as long we you can). Exhale as you slowly return to Plank Pose, then into Downward-Facing Dog.

  7. Repeat on the opposite side.


  • Lower their right knee and shin to the mat, keeping their hips lifted while building strength in the arms and torso.

  • Lower your forearm to the ground to get lower to the earth.


  • Lift top leg up

  • Lift top leg, reach and clasp onto big toe with peace sign fingers

  • Lift top leg, bend at the knee and come into Tree

  • Release back into Wild Thing

  • Stretch top arm up overhead while lifting leg for extra toning

Practice our pose of the month at one of our studios (links below) or at home. More details on our pose and theme of the month on our Spiraling to Wellness Member Portal!.


What does it mean to ADMIRE?


Upward Plank Pose - Purvottanasana