Bananaasana {Lying Crescent Moon}

Featuring Mindy, NS Lead Teacher

Create the shape of a Banana (or Crescent Moon) as you relax into this supported lateral side of the torso, neck and hip stretch!


  • A delicious way to stretch the whole side of the body

  • Works the spine in a lateral flexion (side bend) from the iliotibial (IT) band to the tops of the side rib cage

  • Stretches the oblique stomach muscles and the side intercostal muscles between the ribs

  • We can even get into the armpit and get a nice stretch there


  1. Start by lying flat on your back

  2. Reach your arms overhead and take your left hand around your right wrist 

  3. Inch your legs off to the left creating a “C” shape with the option to cross your right foot over your left leg

  4. Stay for 3-5 breaths and repeat to the other side


  • On your back, add a strap connecting the strap around your left foot and your arms reaching overhead

  • Place a sand bag on your hip if it starts to lift off and/or another sandbag at your feel to avoid sliding back

  • Lye on your side over a bolsters (especially good for pregnant women who can’t lye flat on the back anymore)

Practice our pose of the month with us in your next Studio or Virtual class.


Eucalyptus {Make Space}


Jasmine {Leap into Love}