Be Thankful

Gratitude is the cultivation of being thankful for everything around us, even the things we do not yet understand. From taking time to listen to a new perspective (paradigm shifts can be magical), to watching random acts of kindness (and they are happening all around you), to moments that take your breath away.

All of these experiences come from moving forward in the direction of your dreams, while letting go, not being attached to the outcome, because it is all good. Trust the universe, I have a feeling it’s got your back, especially because you just thanked it- gratitude is key to getting what you want, always.

No matter what the circumstance, in this moment, can you be grateful for the opportunity to experience your place, of your connection with others, with the world around you? As you move through your day, I encourage you to open your eyes to what you might not normally see. Look for kindness, magic, miracles- you might be surprised at what you find when your attention shifts to these powerful forces.

Tips to keep gratitude in your heart:

• Experience nature; connect with the earth- witness beauty all around you.

• Notice how many people love you.

• Savor in your breath (this breath), in this moment.

• Remind yourself that you are an integral part of the universe.

• Tell your loved ones why they mean so much to you (write them a love letter).

• Focus all your attention on all that is new and good in your life.

• Be grateful for all you encounter, it is all part of one big plan that is creating the most magnificent story.

Show gratitude to the universe and all those that surround you by focusing on your passion and sharing it with the world.  Do what awakens your inner spark- the world will be a better place.


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