Spiraling in Peace Meditation

If you look around, you will notice spirals everywhere in nature, an up to a down, a left to a right, an inner to an outer- opposites which perfectly balance each other out creating harmony and ultimately peace. In this place, your center, you can find wisdom, comfort and peace. 

To practice creating peaceful spirals:

1. Sit up nice and tall and start to slow down your breathing.

2. Imagine a spiral of energy coming up from the earth, surrounding you.

3. As you sit with this, imagine unraveling layers of conditioned thought patterns (and we have oh so many) and allow yourself to simply be who you are, be where you are.

4. Notice the simple beauty in being still, in being you!

5. Now imagine a spiral of energy coming down through the sky, wrapping around you.

6. Ride the waves of your breath, perhaps even float a little.

7. Once you master each spiral, imagine one coming from the earth and one from the sky.

8. Sit for as long as you feel comfortable.

9. Visit often (about 5 minutes a day when just starting out) this is such a powerful tool.

The goal of this practice is to find peace within no matter what is going on in your outer world. Peace always begins with you. Once you can love and accept yourself, your place, others will see you too, and you will become a magnet, a light in the dark.

PQ: Is their conflict between your desires and your reality? If so, can you get to the root of the conflict?

PQ: What are you accepting?

PQ: What are you not accepting?

PQ: What actions can you take today to bring you in line with your truest self, to come to the center of your spirals?

Loving points to remember:

  • Accept imperfection

  • Allow yourself to have “bad days/hours/minutes”

  • Let challenges (aka opportunities for growth) teach you

  • We are only separate when we choose to be- separation is only an illusion

  • When we can create peace in our hearts, we can create peace all around us

  • You are enough

  • You are exactly where you need to be

  • BeYOUtiful


Be Thankful


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