Believe You Can & You Will

Believe in a new day

Believe in possibility 

Believe if that one door closes, one that is meant for you will open 

Believe that insights and inspiration will come

Believe in the flowers that bloom

Believe in the rhythm, the pulse of life that is growing underneath and all around you 

Believe in sunny days, the way the rays energize 

Believe in rainy days, the nourishment that is happening, that good change is coming

Believe Mother Nature knows how to heal

Believe you know how to heal 

Believe in seeing good in everyone and every situation 

Believe in a world with common goals 

Believe in connection, peace and joy 

Believe in abundance and good health

Believe in the love you deserve 

Believe you know the way even if it looks and feels different than your mind tells you 

Believe in others dreams

Believe in your dreams, even if others can’t see it 

Believe in yourself, that you have always found a way

Believe you are here to do great things

Believe in life and all that is to come

Believe in something greater than what you can see 

Anything and everything is possible, if only you believe

Turn any of the above into mantras and/or write your own and repeat often. Love to hear about what you are dreaming up to believe in. Share your insights on your favorite social channel and tag @nourishingstorm with the hashtag #nsbelieve


Dhanurasana — Believing in Bow Pose


Dream BIG — Rituals (Day & Night) to Keep You Chasing Your Dreams