Dream BIG — Rituals (Day & Night) to Keep You Chasing Your Dreams

I am a believer in dreaming BIG and I think, more and more,  people I meet feel the same. So, with all these big beautiful dreams living in our hearts and minds, why do we continue to feel stuck or limited in our lives?

When we dream (whether sleeping or waking), we not only weave together all our hopes and creative insights, but also our fears and past experiences that may limit us from moving forward. If we can move past these things, imagine the life we can live and all the new and good we can create each and every day.

After living what felt like a small and limited life, I have spent the past decade truly focused on moving past any blocks (blessed gems) and seeing my dreams come true. I learned the best way to set myself up for success is to create both a morning and nighttime ritual to ensure the insights and creative sparks that come up during day and night have a place to flourish and thrive in my life. 

Here are some practices to help set you up for the best possible dreaming experiences… day and night. The evening ritual can guide you to a peaceful sleep, where you’ll gather the inspiration and rest needed to accomplish your dreams. The morning routine can jump start your day, keeping you focused and in your creative power so you can keep building on those dreams.

Night Time Dreaming Ritual

  • Turn off all devices at least one hour before bed

  • Grab yourself some hot water with lemon or sleepy tea (I love Trader Joe’s “Well Rested” Tea)

  • Sit for a few minutes to breathe and review your day without judgement, just observing what comes up for you. Breath in and out gently as you start to set intentions for a good night’s sleep. If you need to pull out your journal to get your thoughts down, please add this in.

  • Repeat the following Mantras:

    • “Each day I am moving closer to my dreams”

    • “I believe in the beauty and possibility of my dreams”

    • Then make your own: “I am (fill in your intention i.e. how you want to feel)

  • Put a few drops of Lavender and Vetiver Essential Oil on your feet (I like Doterra)

  • Leave a journal with a pen by your nightstand

  • Go to bed early and get plenty of rest; 8 hours seems to be an average balanced rest time

Morning Time Dreaming Ritual

  • Wake up before an alarm and go to your meditation space with some hot water with lemon or your favorite morning beverage.

  • Write down what you first remember about your dreams. (You may want to do this immediately upon waking so you don’t forget your dreams). Don’t worry about making sense of any of it, just get it down on paper.

  • Sit for a few minutes observing your breath and once again how you feel. (If your dreams are still very present, simply review them and see if you gather any meanings/message you want to take with you throughout the day.

  • Breath in your intention, how you want to feel throughout your day. This may be overly focused on the dreams you are trying to cultivate. I find it helps to make a list of big dreams and break them down with daily actionable steps (three a day works for me).

  • Add in some mantras to get you started:

    • I am focused

    • I am ready to move forward in the directions of my dreams

    • Create your own: : I am (add your intention here)

  • If you have time and feel moved, add in some mindful movements such as neck rolls, cat cows, sun salutations, warrior and balance poses.

  • MOST IMPORTANT: Rock your day, remembering what you truly want and deserve. Come back to your breath and intention (your dreams) anytime you forget.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt

Remember, if you can imagine it, believe that you have everything it takes to see it through. Next month we will be exploring more tools in believing. But for now I know that sometimes the only thing that gets in the way of making our dreams happen is ourselves. Life is expansive and abundant and the universe (or whatever you call to) wants you to see your dreams happen. In fact, it/he/she conspires to help you make it happen. Watch for the signs and dedicate time to your intentions, your dreams and your practice and know that anything and everything is possible.

Dream on my friends! Love to hear about how you are dreaming BIG this month. Post and tag @nourishingstorm and @inspiring.storm with the hashtag #nsdream and #dreamingbig and win a free “temporary” DREAM tattoo (while supplies last) by Conscious Ink next time you come in for a yoga class or smoothie at our Hatboro location.


Believe You Can & You Will


Paripurna Navasana — Boat Pose