Anjaneyasana - Crescent Lunge
Featuring Emily in Crescent Lunge
Graduating from YTT Spring 2023
Crescent Lunge or Anjaneyasana is a dynamic standing pose that energizes and utilizes major muscle groups in the body. It strengthens and stretches both upper and lower body, all while creating balance and awareness and building confidence with each reemergence. This pose can be modified for anyone at any level in their practice (yes, even those with sciatica pain!).
For beginners this pose can be gentle with the support of the opposite knee on the earth with a mild backbend incorporated. For advanced students, back knee can be lifted, deep backbends met or twist/binds added.
Strengthens your quadriceps and gluteus muscles
Stretches the hips
Relieves sciatica pain
Expands and opens the chest, lungs and shoulders
Engages and tones thighs
Prepares the body for childbirth by creating more room in the pelvis
Start in Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog).
On exhalation step right foot forward to center. Line up right ankle with right knee and lower left knee
to the earth keeping it behind the hips. Toes can stay curled under for stability or lower the top of the
foot to the earth.
On inhalation raise torso and sweep arms up and over your head with palms facing each other. Relax
shoulders down and away from the ears allowing the shoulder blades to roll down the back. On the
next exhale allow the hips to relax forward and down until you feel a nice stretch in the front of the left
Slightly tuck the tailbone, lengthening your back muscles and engaging the core. Start to draw your
thumbs back (even hooking thumbs if you’d like), lift through the heart and shift gaze up for a little
Stay here with the supported leg down or curl toes under if they weren’t already, lift the left knee and
lengthen leg for Full Crescent Lunge.
To come out of pose frame the right foot with palms and step back to Downward Facing Dog and repeat
with the left leg forward.
Lower back knee down and hands to earth
Hands to hips or extended out to the side
Practice our pose of the month with us in your next Studio or Virtual class.