“Release the layers that weigh you down and hold you back. Release the past and re-emerge to begin your next chapter.”
― Susan C. Young
As we move toward spring, what better theme to take us there than RE-EMERGE. Like butterflies, we have done the hard work to evolve into who we want to be and re-emerge more beautiful than ever. Join us Sunday, March 12 at 10 am for our Spiraling to Wellness discussion on RE-EMERGE… and don’t forget your wings!
Powerful Questions:
We all go, literally or figuratively, inward at some points in our lives when we need to reset before we can re-emerge. How and where do to you tend to hibernate?
How do our former themes of re-imagining and re-igniting prepare you for re-emerging?
Changing yourself is hard and can be met with different reactions from the world. What type of system can we put in place to support our re-emergence?
Come and meet with some fellow “stormies” and friends, at the March 2023 Spiraling to Wellness discussion group at swiig Juice Bar & Cafe March 12th, 10 am. Join us for good conversation, great ideas, big inspirations, and coffee, tea, etc. We’d love to see you!
Questions presented by Eileen Seiler, RYT & Writer for Nourishing Storm. Eileen is a writer and teacher at Nourishing Storm. You can catch her Restore class Tuesdays at 7:30pm and Brewing Storm class Fridays at 9:30 am.