Explore the Best Workout for You!

Dwell as near as possible to the channel in which your life flows.” – Henry David Thoreau

As you find yourself keeping up with your many obligations of the day/week/year … there still might be that little voice in your head saying, “I really need to exercise.” Saying it and doing it are two totally different things as we know. To take action, you need the drive, the reason that will take you to the gym or tie up those laces and hit the trail versus going home to veg on the couch (not that there is anything wrong with that every so often as long as you are vegging with some veggies), and a workout that fits your style and your needs. 

Along with a healthy diet, meaningful work, and time with family and friends, exercise can be a powerful practice that can transform your mind, body and spirit. The secret to getting on an exercise routine for good is to first find the right kind of exercise that fits your goals, the season and even your mood. The second is to make it realistic and actually fit in your life. So let’s explore finding the right exercise just for you and how we can make it a permanent part of your daily/weekly routine.

So what exercise is right for you? Well, if you are new to the scene, I encourage you to first check out as many interesting classes or sport activities as you can. They are all around, so this should not be hard to find.  If you are exploring classes at the gym, I would say you should take as many classes as you can with as many instructors as you can.  Speaking of instructors, just like friends, there are certain ones that make you feel great and others that bring you down, opt for those that lift you up. If the gym is not your scene, you can go outdoors- walk, hike, run, bike, swim, etc.- again the point is to get moving. 

Once you get a sense for what you like- start to match your workout to your goals. So if you are looking to lose weight, maybe go for a cardio class, if you are looking to tone up, grab some weights, join a sculpting class or try pilates, and if you are looking to de-stress, feel empowered or get more balanced, try yoga or tai chi.  Lastly once your find workouts that match your goals, take it one step further and tune in to your mood or the mood you would like to have. For example, use your workout to energize you (kickboxing, weight lifting, running or spinning) or to help you calm down (yoga, tai chi).  

After you find your best workout, the next step is to make exercise a priority. This means understanding that you are worth the time it takes for your workout. I am going to say it again; you are worth the time it takes for your workout. So many of us think that we are not being productive if we take time out for our own needs, but in fact, it has been proven time and time again that once we start taking care of ourselves, we end up with more time and energy then if we did not exercise at all. If you are feeling stuck or unproductive, go move around a little and come back- see how you feel, it is pretty powerful!  Next, put it on your calendar. It is not, “when will I find time?”- it is “this is when I am working out this week”- treat it like a business meeting, your body and mind will thank you. 

Allow the reminders to come through and listen to them. If you have to change the type of workout, so be it, just get out there. 

To sum it up:

  • Explore many options within classes, instructors and settings to find the right one

  • Put it on our calendar- set reminders

  • Make yourself accountable and find a workout buddy

  • Add in inspiring music, whatever makes you want to move

  • Let your workout enhance or promote a feeling

You will feel so much better with a new workout routine and the reward is that beyond looking and feeling great, people will start asking you what you have been doing- and that is when you can tell them your secret- make it just for you and make your health and wellness a priority- it is as simple as that!  

PQ: What is one workout you’ve always wanted to try?

Be brave, bring along a friend and go for it!

Make an exercise vow. I promise to do all that is my power to exercise here ______________________________ with __________________________ by ___________________________.



Witness (aka Accountability partner and perhaps exercise partner):


Trapeze Swinger


Creative Meal Ideas