Padangusthasana — Healing in Hand to Big Toe

Standing Forward Fold or Uttanasana with a Hand to Big Toe hold, calms the mind while stretching and rejuvenating the whole body. This pose is an essential element of Sun Salutations and helps to prepare the body for deeper forward bends. When practiced correctly, this pose is an intense stretch, particularly for the hamstrings and back. However, it should also be relaxing and comfortable — be careful not to push too hard, seeking an “intense” experience! The more you relax in this pose, the deeper your stretch and the greater opportunity to feel all the healing that comes along with practicing this posture.


  • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression

  • Stimulates the liver and kidneys

  • Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and hips

  • Strengthens the thighs and knees

  • Improves digestion

  • Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause

  • Reduces fatigue and anxiety

  • Relieves headache and insomnia

  • Therapeutic for asthma, high blood pressure, infertility, osteoporosis, and sinusitis

– Benefits from Yoga Journal


  1. Stand upright with feet parallel and about six inches apart. Contract your front thigh muscles to lift your kneecaps. Keeping your legs completely straight, exhale and bend forward from your hip joints, moving your torso and head as one unit.

  2. Slide the index and middle fingers of each hand between the big toes and the second toes. Then curl those fingers under and grip the big toes firmly, wrapping the thumbs around the other two fingers to secure the wrap. Press your toes down against your fingers. (If you can’t reach your toes without overly rounding your back, pass a strap under the ball of each foot and hold the straps.)

  3. With an inhalation, lift your torso as if you were going to stand up again, straightening your elbows, lengthen your front torso. Finally exhale, bend your elbows out to the sides, pull up on your toes, lengthen the front and sides of your torso, and gently lower into the forward bend.

  4. Hold the final position for one minute. Then release your toes, bring your hands to your hips, and re-lengthen your front torso. With an inhale, lift your torso and head as a single unit back to upright.


  • Hold onto your elbows and gently rock side to side

  • Clasp arms around legs

  • Interlace hands behind back and allow arms to come up and over the head while bending the knees and then straighten


  • Bend your knees

  • Bring your hands to a block that can be placed right in front of your toes.

Practice Hand to Big pose with us at the Storm(s) online, in studio or outdoors.


A Healing Journey + Tips Learned Along the Way


Bakasana — Take the Leap