A Healing Journey + Tips Learned Along the Way

I remember it so well… the first time I went to a yoga class. I had no idea what to expect. But something was there; I could feel the pull. I had just moved to Whidbey Island to be with my husband. Just a few weeks after I arrived he was deployed to Japan for six months. I had just turned 20, left college to marry my high school sweetie. I was craving connection to myself and this new community.

The yoga class I attended was on a Navy Base in a large room that could probably hold about 100 people. There were about 20 in this class and right away I noticed all shapes and sizes coming in with their yoga mats which felt welcoming. I also noticed that everyone seemed to have this aura about them (I didn’t know about auras then); this inner knowing and community connection. Right away, I thought, I found my place. 

Class began as we were asked to close our eyes and focus on our breath. The room was completely silent. Up until now I am not sure I allowed for any kind of silence, especially the kind within, but I was fully committed and ready to try anything. After a few minutes our instructor Mel led us through some gentle postures and sequences. It all felt fluid and grounding at the same time. Again yogic terms I was just learning …

After class I could not believe how I felt. I was numb. I actually had to walk around for a few minutes to gather myself before I could drive. If I could say one word to describe my first post-yoga high, it was “peaceful”; something I had never felt to this extent before in my life! I realized at that moment everyone who came to class was healing – mentally, physically and/or emotionally– and yet everyone walked out light, more connected, and in a state of bliss.

This was the start to my healing journey about 20 years ago and that teacher, Mel, is actually the one who inspired me to become a yoga teacher which led me to also becoming a Wellness Director and a Studio and Cafe owner of Nourishing Storm in Hatboro, PA. Now I am making plans to provide sustainable programs, training, and support for others looking to create their own healing spaces. Incredible how that works!

Looking back,  I remember feeling ready to heal and also having time to actually commit myself to the journey of finding the best version of me. And, yes, 20 years later I am still exploring ways to stay grounded while finding flow in my life. But, now, I have a really beautiful practice to support this journey and a community of those who dance along with me at the Storm to support my healing, growth and transformation. Without both a strong practice and community support, I would not be where I am today.

Here are some things I learned along the way:

  • Be open to the magic the universe so abundantly provides. (The universe is working for you.)

  • Believe in divine timing and that the right people will come along to support your journey.

  • Be patient. I heard this recently: “You can’t rush your healing; there is no fast-forward button here, be present for it all.”

  • Find balance in your daily practices of grounding. (Breathe in and out as you sit or move slowly with it all, i.e. meditation or a restorative practice.) Find your flow. (Move with the current of your life, breathing through resistance.) Make space for both

  • Say yes to what feels right (FOR YOU) and no to what does not bring you joy. Practice on the little things first and the bigger ones, like leaving a relationship or switching careers, when needed. It will come with time.

  • And this one is big … trust more, control less. Let this be a mantra “I trust my journey and I release control.”

  • Be willing to embrace the shadows, the pain, the trauma. It all gets stored and throughout our lives we manifest things based on the trauma.

  • Know that you are made of infinite wisdom and the more you go within and see the world with eyes of wonder, the more connected you can become to those around you.

  • When you shed what no longer serves you (time to put on your brave hat), you become closer to true alignment and ultimately allow for healing to unfold in your life.

  • Go out in nature, observe life as it simply blossoms and expands collectively. See how you can find that kind of integration in your own life. Trust you know the answers to your healing.

  • Let down your shields and be vulnerable to sharing your experience and not knowing the answer right away.

  • Lastly, learn to ask for help. Ask for what you need. There are others that can guide you You are never alone.

Here are a few journaling questions:

  • How aligned are you with the universe?

  • Are you fighting against or flowing with the current of your life?

  • Are you being controlled by your ego or your past experiences?

  • Do you trust yourself and the timing of your life?

  • Are you ready to make space for your healing, growth, and expansion?

  • Who can support you in your healing journey?

  • Where will you begin?

The strength we find in the storms of life comes through experience, through the willingness to commit to the journey of healing. Be thankful for the challenges for, as you move through them, you can and will heal yourself and ultimately heal the world. We would love to hear about your healing journey. What practices are working? Where have you found support? Where are there stumbling blocks? Tag us @nourishingstorm with the hashtag #nsheal so we can follow along.


Virabhadrasana I (Warrior 1) — Integrating Strength, Confidence, and a Calm Open Heart


Padangusthasana — Healing in Hand to Big Toe