Anahatasana (Melting Heart)
Featuring Susan
Graduating from Root to Rise Teacher Training Spring 2024
Open the heart and calm your nervous system with this Melting Heart Posture. Once there, explore a sense of deep love and affection for yourself, your practice, and all those around you.
Counteracts the rounding of the spine
Increases shoulder mobility
Stimulates the Urinary Bladder meridian through compression of the spine
Stimulates the Stomach and Spleen meridians in the chest
Stimulates the Lung and Heart meridians if the arms are extended
Start in table top position (all fours) with knees under hips
Keep hips over the knees as you walk your elbows down to the mat
Start to straighten your arms out towards the front of your mat (feel free to keep a bend in the elbows if you feel too much pressure in your shoulders)
Place your forehead or chin to the mat
Stay here for 3-5 minutes
To release, gently bring your hands under your shoulders and sink your hips back for childs pose or your next posture
Use a blanket under your knees to protect your knees
Add a bolster under your extended arms to feel more supported
Hold a block between your extended hands to stay more engaged in the arms
Place your mat close to the wall with your extended hands on the wall while sitting back on your feet
Practice our pose of the month with us in your next Studio or Virtual class.