Take a Nature Walk

I have found nature to be one of my greatest teachers for many things but especially for focusing my attention on looking for and seeing beauty. Whenever I need perspective, I look up to the sky as on my drives and when I need help solving a problem, I take a walk in the woods.

What I look for is the natural beauty and synergy that is happening all around. And what I always find is such peace, creative insight and perspective. Whether you go outside and take walks often or never, I encourage you to add this practice in and see how it can transform most any situation just by you being present with it all. 

Pick any time of day, any spot that is calling you- just go outside (with everything turned off of course) and simply walk. Look at the sky, the earth, what is happening all around you. Breathe into the spaces around you and within. Try to synchronize your breath with the rhythm of nature. Be in this space as long as you can. And then, when it’s time to go, observe how you feel. Were you were able to take in the natural surroundings and get to the same pulse internally? Go back as often as needed, be in awe of this beautiful world we live in every day!


Trust Your Path


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