You + Everyone

Relationships. Boy is this a hard topic for me to discuss, but let’s dive in … 

One of the hardest things I have ever done is make the decision to separate from my husband of 14 years, a man I loved since we went to the prom together. A love that moved me from everyone I knew on the east coast to be with my sailor on the west coast. A man I could see myself with forever. But through the years, it was becoming clear that our paths were not weaving, they were not even close to each other. We both had to deal with unresolved issues we brought into the relationship and these things were making the gap bigger by the day. 

As I finished my degree and started to pursue my passion of sharing yoga, nutrition and healthy living, my husband’s path was to deal with his past. I had to look forward and he needed to spend time looking back. This left us at a crossroads. Were we going to show our two growing children the loving way to let each other go or should we try to piece together a path that already was showing very visible signs of cracking?

Through many tears and long conversations, we had to part ways and find ourselves. It was a painful few years of reinventing ourselves and becoming the parents we wanted to be. But we got through it and stayed true to our paths. Today we are friends raising our beautiful children together and helping each other along. The reason we could do this is that we took the time to come back to ourselves and honor where we needed to spend our energy and focus in order to become stronger and more supportive of each other.

In the depth of our relationship I had to pray and ask how we could navigate through this. And answers came through, but they were not easy ones. Now, standing on more solid ground, we are both in much better places to restore all our relationships going forward.

PQ: Is there a relationship in your life in which you need to bridge the gap/reconnect? 

PQ: Is there a relationship in your life that you need to redefine/change? 


Take a Nature Walk


Make a Happy List