

We end each yoga class with Savasana or Corpse pose. In this posture, we practice being present and surrendering to the moment while receiving the benefits of a calm body and care-free mind. Come into Savasana after you have completed a series of postures or anytime you need to receive and rest.


  • Activates the relaxation response (parasympathetic nervous system)

  • Deactivates the stress response (sympathetic nervous system)

  • May also help lower or regulate blood pressure

  • Can help relieve muscular tension


  1. Lie on your back on either a mat, towel or maybe a soft patch of grass.

  2. Relax your legs straight out, about hip width apart, and let your palms rest by your sides, facing up.

  3. Soften through your neck, back, and facial muscles.

  4. Close your eyes or find a soft gaze.

  5. Focus on your breath, staying present but unattached to any thoughts.

  6. Stay in this pose for at least 5 minutes.

  7. To come out of this pose, start to slowly move your fingers and toes. Draw your knees to your chest and roll on your right side. Gently press yourself back to a seated position.


  • Place a bolster under your knees.

  • Cover yourself with a blanket.

  • Place an eye pillow or scarf on your eyes.

Practice our pose of the month with us in your next Studio or Virtual class.



