She Moves Mountains

What is calling you?

What is the mountain you need to climb?

And most importantly how are you planning to start your climb and what will keep you going to see the beauty at the top?!

Believe me, not too long ago I have been there. I remember journaling “I have no idea how I am going to get there, but I know I need to be somewhere else, but where … and how …”

Well, as life so beautifully provides when you trust the process, you are given exactly the circumstances, the characters, the challenges you need to learn and grow. In my case that ended up being faced with leaving a relationship of over 20 years, the 8-5 job I thought I needed, and the way I was navigating through life, none of which were supporting my strength and power. My life as I knew it was taking me down to my knees and fast, I could simply not keep going in the same direction. And so as wake-up calls often do, they hit hard; you wake up one day and you know everything needs to change. The good news is, I answered the call as scary as it was and all the tools and support starting flooding in to help me navigate this new path. New direction, new foundation, new tools, new climb, new life. 

Over the past few years I have faced many more mountains. I have felt the power of the mountain and myself at basecamp and learned what tools I needed to practice each and everyday to help me keep climbing. I have gathered with many strong women in classes, groups, and retreats and learned what works for them. It’s a process and the tools are different for everyone. But there are tools, so many, and there are things you can do even before you begin your next climb to make sure you are starting the journey as well prepared as possible.

I just got back from leading a program I developed over the past year for women looking to create change in their lives called “She Moves Mountains.” It’s all about conquering life’s challenges that at first may seem insurmountable but with the right tools and support everything and anything becomes possible. Over the weekend we got vulnerable, shared our stories, we laughed and cried, we gave ourselves time to be still, to listen, integrate, receive, fill up and learn new ways to climb. Now I am more excited than ever to share the insights, the processes and all the powerful questions and tools that can be incredibly helpful along the climb. 

Once you get clear about which mountain you are destined to climb (clarity + focus), create a strong foundation in your practice (devotion), gather the tools available (abundance), lighten what you are carrying (release), be ready to move forward (courage) and of course have the support (connection + community), the tribe that will always be there to pick you up when you fall/forget what you are made to do/climb/conquer. 

“She Moves Mountains” is going to become an online course where you can explore the tools with a community of women climbing mountains. I will also be offering retreats and adventures in 2021 so we can gather and practice together. Stay tuned and stay strong. Whatever is calling, whatever you are destined to conquer know that if you are being called, you have the power within to create the change you see in your world and also the world around you. Believe this, trust the process, start small and build the strength and confidence to be the force in this life you are destined to be. 

As always if you need any support along the way reach out and we’ll jump on a call to make a trail map!


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