Meditation Techniques + a Challenge

What if I told you that everything you are searching for is already within you? And that all it could take to find the answers to all your questions is 5 minutes a day. If you are searching for really anything that seems beyond what you can figure out with your thinking mind, then meditation just could be a beautiful addition to your daily routine. I have searched and explored many practices and I can tell you that without a doubt the practice that has brought me the most peace, connection, compassion, and love at its core is meditation and it really only takes 5 minutes a day to make the biggest difference!

If you feel inspired to add in meditation to your daily practice I listed out some of my favorite ways to practice. Try some techniques out, see what works for you. Wake up a little early, find a break in your day, explore a practice before you go to bed, whatever works! Do it for your peace and ultimately for the peace of the world- everything you are searching for is within you, how powerful is that! Details are below for how you can join the challenge and also practice along with us in one of our upcoming virtual classes!

Breath Meditation

Tell yourself silently “inhale” as you are inhaling, “exhale” as you are exhaling. When you get distracted, simply come back to reminding yourself as you inhale and as you exhale. Let breath be your anchor to coming back to the present moment.

10 count Meditation

Count each breath (inhale and exhale) until you get to 10 and then start again. When you lose your focus or forget what number you are on, start back at one. It’s not about how quickly you get to 10, it’s more about learning to stay focused on one thought, in this case one number at a time.

Loving Kindness/Metta Meditation

Once you are settled with your breathing start to focus your attention on compassion and kindness. Start with yourself and then extend this out to those that surround you in the room, your home, your community and then even further to the whole world. Let loving kindness and compassion keep pouring out from you as you sit and breathe in this energy. This practice is designed to help you strengthen your kindness and compassion with yourself and others. 

Repeat this during your meditation or throughout your day:

May I be filled with loving kindness.

May I feel safe from harm.

May I accept myself just as I am.

May I be peaceful and at ease.

May I be happy.

Mindfulness Meditation

A Mindful Meditation can be done anytime throughout your day. If you are seated quietly you can simply observe your thoughts as they come. Try not to attach to them , rather watch them as though they are clouds floating by. This can be a great practice in noticing patterns and what seems to come up for you as you get still. 

You can also practice this in times such as waiting in line, traffic, talking to your kids, your loved ones. Start by noticing the experience without feeling like you have to change anything and without judgement. Notice your surroundings, what you sense in your body and in your mind. Take everything in without labeling it as good or bad, just stay in the moment observing it all. This anytime practice is designed to strengthen awareness and bring you into the present moment.

Self-Inquiry Meditation

While seated quietly in a meditation, ask yourself a question that has been on your mind, something that keeps coming up. Practice simply listening to the answer, without needing to know the answer, just watching what is coming through. Meditation is a great way to get answers and tap into creativity through life’s challenges. Stay present, listen and be open to what comes through for you.

Mantra Meditation

Take a moment to think about what you are seeking, what kind of energy do you want to feel. Let it be a word, phrase, etc. and then fill in the blank “I am …” Once you have your mantra repeat it such as “I am Calm, Peaceful, Connected, Love, etc.” You can say a few words/phrases or stick with just one for each meditation. You can also repeat this mantra throughout the day as you feel you need a reminder to come back to center.  Let your mantra be a reminder of your true nature.  Repeat often and know that whatever you are seeking is seeking you too. Trust the process. 

Visualization Meditation

In your meditation, go to a place you feel connected to, a place that helps you feel your intention. For example, walk into the forest and sit by a tree on some soft grass, you may even want to physically lay down to feel the soft grass and looking up at the swaying trees. Water may also be calling, go to the shore or right by a river or lake. Feel the warmth in the air, see the colors, notice who is there with you. Let this experience be a time for ease, softness, love and connection. Stay as long as you like in this place and then slowly come back to the present with wiggling fingers and toes as you gently open your eyes. 

Walking Meditation

Go for a walk mindfully. Start by noticing how your feet touch the earth. This is best practiced barefoot outside but if you need your shoes for stability keep them on and you can get just as much indoors as outdoors. This practice is about moving slowly and staying into the feeling of mindful movements concentrating your mind on each step. When you get distracted come back to the feeling in your feet as you move slowly in a circle or particular direction. 

30-day Meditation Challenge

Nourishing Storm has teamed up with Inspiring Storm to present a 30 day Meditation Challenge “Meditate Through the Storm” as we finding ourselves in quite a Storm. Together we want to give you the tools and resources to stay calm and #meditatethroughthestorm. Throughout the 30 day meditation challenge, we’ll be posting tips and techniques, as well as host our live and virtual classes to help you take your practice to new levels! Be sure to follow along on Instagram @nourishingstorm.

To enter for your chance to win a yogi gift (including a yoga mat, free month of yoga, NS/IS gear, meditation props and more): 

FIRST head to Instagram and comment on our 30 Days of Meditation challenge post to join (be sure to tag a friend!) OR simply comment below “I’m in” (so we know you are in!)

And then…
~Each day, sit down to meditate for 5 minutes on your own
~Attend one Mindful Meditation at a Stormy location (NS or IS) from 11/11-12/10

In studio or virtual classes available 8 class times each week to pick from!


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