Stay Close to Positive People

My best friends are some of the most positive, happy people I know and I spend as much time around them as possible. It’s contagious to tap into the energy of someone who feels connected and is strong enough to be who they are and live the life that has been given to them. Obviously, it takes work to have the life you want; but at some level you have to trust that everything is happening for you, not to you. There is a bigger plan out there and sometimes we need reminders. We can all amp each other up along the way, yes?!

Make a list of all the people who inspire you. Next to each write the last time you saw them, how often you get to see them, and when you plan to see them again. If you have a few on there you have not seen in a while, you know what to do – plan an adventure!


Who: My sister and her family

Last time I saw them: February for my mom’s 70th birthday

Frequency that I see them: once a year, not enough

Next time I plan to see them: booking an adventure as we speak!

Action: call her weekly

“The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.” – Epictetus


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