Who Are You to the Core?

In the center of who we are is our core. When I talk about a “strong core” most people think in terms of how many crunches they need to do to get a six pack. This can be nice, but in yoga when we explore our subtle body, our core refers to our Solar Plexus. This is our place of power, confidence and true strength. 

We can work really hard toning, but if the other source of strength underneath the physical surface is weak, we may not be tapping into our full potential. To go in deep, we go to the core at our soul level and ask ourselves the following question …

This a a question asked by Deepak Chopra in his Soul Profile.

It is big in terms of helping you find your center and, ultimately, Dharma (your path/service/focus). Try to answer in one word and take time with this one,  (Coincidently, the word I came up with after sitting with it for a few years is “Connector”.)

If you are finding this difficult, be patient. Refer back to Spiraling to Wellness Part 1 “Find your Calling” in the chapter on Awareness (page 62). This will help build clarity around your purpose and give you greater awareness into your strengths. Once clear, we can tap into the flow of our lives and find ourselves well on our way to true strength. 


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