The Good Life

When we do what we love and do it with passion, sharing every aspect of who we are in the process, we open doors where there were once walls and we step into an abundant life.

All you have to do is say yes. Be brave in your pursuit as you move in the direction that is calling. Any choice you make will get you to a place you can learn from. So pick one and get moving and then be ready to receive the gifts that are sure to come. 

Let’s dive into all the good!

List all the good in your life! 


The health and happiness of my children

The people I work with that support/help me build upon my mission

My friends and family and all the support I receive from them

Sunsets and sunrises

My runs at Pennypack

Times I travel and learn more about the world

The inspiration I feel at my yoga space & writing desk

My dreams to open a Yoga Barn!

The way my kids laugh and smile!

The feel of a hug and kiss!!

Seeing double rainbows and the clouds in that sky!!!

Now, how do you feel with all that good? Makes you forget about the not so good, right?! Keep it going and make lists on paper or in your head everyday and especially in times you are feeling overwhelmed or drowning in any not-so-good situations.

PQ: Most days are you excited when you wake up- or are you bored, stuck, lost? 

PQ: If not excited, how can you find the good or perhaps change the situation?


Own Your Power, Learn to Fly


Turtle Love