Turtle Love

Days after witnessing the turtles’ journey to the sea in Costa Rica, the discussion in Joan Halifax’s classes centered around soft front, hard back and resilience being “a context for an exhale.” As with a turtle (soft front, hard back), how can we show up and go to our edge at the same time? 

When looked at from a higher perspective we can see that we are here to help others in their suffering and there will be times that will challenge your capacity for love, compassion and service. But like anything else, this is a practice in showing up and doing the work. 

In my experience I have witnessed soft front as going in with an open heart, letting my guard down in the front to stay true to my path that is centered in love. To do this I had to gather all my strength and lessons learned about moving past my past. Those things were too heavy to carry. It was in my storms that I have learned how to be lighter, carry less, be more. 

PQ: In trying times (storms of life), is there anything you need to drop in order to show up more open/loving?

Remember your strength in trying times, one that has never failed you, and do the best you can with what you have to give, what you need to give up. Keep your heart open. When in doubt bring yourself back to balance with a soft front, hard back. 


The Good Life


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