Turn Everything Off!

“Hocus Pocus you need to focus” is something you will hear me saying to my ten year old daughter as we navigate virtual school and life! She knows she needs to focus, we both know we need to focus to be present with the task at hand, but how?!

Well along the way I have noticed that when everything is turned off there are no distractions. In theory turning everything off that has an on/off switch is simple but I have found in my own family this is a practice …

And here is the challenge, if only for a few minutes a day or whenever you are having trouble focusing. 

Everything that has an “on” button… turn it off and be still with it all. And then listen and pay attention to what is in front of you and also any insights that might be coming through. 

You know the answers you seek. You know what project you need to put energy into, what relationship to give more to, which ones to leave. You know what you should be putting in your body to nourish yourself. But this inner voice can only be accessed when you are ready to listen in and focus.

List all the things you need to turn off…


  • Phone

  • TV

  • Computer (when not learning virtually of course)

  • Music

  • Animals and kids. (Just kidding, they never turn off. But do practice this when someone else can look after them and you truly can turn everything off.)

PQ: In this moment, as you close your eyes and sit still, what do you hear?

PQ: What is one step you can take today that will bring you closer to your calling?

Visit these questions daily. Create a ritual in your sacred space. Ask yourself what you need to know today. And from there, you will have direction for where to take your energy.

If you need more guidance here, follow the work of Marriane Williamson. One of the practices she shares is to silently ask yourself everyday:

What will you have me do?

Where will you have me go?

What will you have me say and to whom?



Spiraling in Peace Meditation


Trust Your Path