Wake Up! & Be Present

Being present needs to be practiced daily, hourly, minute by minute. And so, with all great things, we need reminders (like our morning alarms), but throughout the day.

In zen tradition, the invitation to awaken is a soft bell every hour to remind you of the fact that you are alive, to be grateful and find this moment and all that it is bringing you.

In these moments, give your mind a break, raise your vibrations and then feel the space open up and your perspective shift allowing you the capacity to see everything as beautifully as possible. 

Check-in here often. Tell yourself you are pausing. And then come back with new eyes. 

PQ: In this moment I feel …

PQ: In this moment I see …

PQ: In this moment I am grateful for … 

Special note- feelings can be hard, especially when you get grounded in reality. There is a reason we push them down. But the invitation is just to breathe space into the now. The feelings you have are real now, but when we practice anchoring into how we feel, here and now, we can find space for healing; we can evolve and grow. 


Who Are You to the Core?


Channel Energy