Why I Love Storms

The energy, the calm before the Storm can be magnetic. It can make you stop in your tracks and gain a new sense of perspective, a new foundation to root into. It can lift you, help you create necessary shifts by even just showing itself. 

When you are aware that a Storm is coming, whether it be by the movement in the air, the look of the sky, the report from a friend, you have the choice to sit with it, be in it or hide and take cover. Love or fear. Now of course we are not talking about the tropical storm that is coming through your town, of course you should take cover when the weather becomes bigger than you. The Storms I am referring to are the challenges in life. The ones that we fear will take us down. But imagine standing tall, in your Tadasana (mountain pose), and look the storm in the eye. We typically can do this in meditation. When resistance arises, when life becomes a little bit too much and we feel we need to retreat, even give up in certain cases where do we find the strength and power to show up fully. To ride the wave of our emotions and in most cases the emotions of others too. Well I can tell you after creating a company called “Nourishing Storm” where we teach our community to “dance in the rain” and after practicing this in my own life for nearly two decades that in fact the only way is through. Robert Frost was on to something. 

As I am writing you now we have a literal storm coming our way with warnings from all directions. We have been through this many times and we always end up better on the other side if we just stand firm in our feet.

I take the energy of storms as they arise as a reminder to keep showing up fully in my life. To keep my practices of yoga, meditation, running, speaking my truth, eating well, limiting the things that swing me to the other side of joy, and ultimately riding whatever comes, knowing that there are truly rainbows, beautiful lessons always waiting on the other side. 

If you are new to this community, welcome, so glad you have arrived. This is your life, you are the author, the star! The weather, the thoughts and influences that bring us fear and take us away from love are here to teach us and if we would just be still enough to listen, we can truly see life, all of it as a gift for us to experience in each moment, storms and all. I wish you love and and peace in your journey and I am so excited to be here with you to dance in it all!

Kristin Ritter is a RYT 500 and Holistic Health Coach that works with passion seekers looking to set out on a new path, whether it be transitioning to find one’s place in their work, relationships and/ or overall well-being. She works in private, group sessions and workshops, helping her clients find their authentic selves by setting goals and actions steps that align with their true nature, providing a wealth of support and love along the way. Kristin can be contacted at Harmony@nourishingstorm.com  or www.NourishingStorm.com.


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