Prasarita Padottanasana - Wide Legged Forward Fold
(prah-suh-REE-tuh pah-doh-tahn-AHS-uh-nuh)
Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold is a calming forward fold that stretches the hamstrings and back. There are several arm variations and other modifications available, making this a suitable pose for yoga students of all levels! Practicing this can feel expansive and soothing after a long set of standing poses, or after running, walking or cycling. Often sequenced near the end of the standing poses in a yoga class, it is a good preparatory pose for inversions.
Strengthens and stretches the inner and back legs and the spine
Tones the abdominal organs
Calms the brain
Relieves mild backache
Relieves fatigue, mild depression and anxiety
Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) with feet together.
Inhale hands to hips and step feet wide.
Exhale hinge forward and place palms on the floor directly below your shoulders.
Press the palms firmly into the ground, lengthening the arms and lifting out of the shoulders while
flattening the back.
Press the heels into the earth lengthening through the legs.
Hold for up to one minute. To release, bring your hands to your hips. Press firmly through your feet and
inhale to lift your torso with a flat back. Step your feet together and return to Mountain Pose.
Use blocks to place hands on, bringing the earth closer
Any back pain or injury do not fold completely, use blocks on the highest setting or place hands on the
Use blocks for pregnancy
Peace sign fingers around big toes to deepen
Bend through the knee on right side, then left adding movement
Cross arms and reach for opposite ankle or calf
Walk hands forward and come into a pose similar to Down Dog or walk hands backward through the legs with fingertips facing the heels
Interlace hands behind back and lift arms up and over the head
Add a twist by placing left palm under the face and open to the right, keeping hips even and alternate sides
Practice our pose of the month with us in your next Studio or Virtual class. More details on our pose and theme of the month on our Spiraling to Wellness Member Portal!