Utthan Pristhasana – Lizard Pose

(oo tahn priss thuh nah sah nuh)

Lizard pose is a deep hip opener that mimics the flexibility that lizards have in their upper bodies as they are stretched out. This energizing pose is similar to a lunge, but more intense. In addition to opening the hips, it also targets the glutes, hip flexors, hamstrings and lower back. Lizard is an intermediate pose with several variations and modifications and can be included in most yoga flow sequences. It’s perfect for anyone seeking an emotional release or a boost in creative energy.


  • Stretches and strengthens hamstrings, hip flexors and quadriceps.

  • Helps alleviate sciatica.

  • Releases tension and emotion, reduces stress, improves focus, and energizes creativity.

  • Strength in hips and hamstrings can improve balance and flexibility.

  • Enhances full range of motion.

  • Relieves symptoms related to reproductive health.


  1. Begin in downward facing dog. Inhale.

  2. On the exhale, step your right foot to the outside of your right hand so that the toes are in line with the fingers at the top of the mat. Your right knee should be bent at a 90-degree angle and stacked above the ankle. Toes are pointed out about 45 degrees.

  3. Inhale, bringing elbows to the floor placing your forearms flat on the mat. Spread your palms out on the mat.

  4. Keep your head in a neutral, relaxed position.

  5. Exhale as you press your left heal back to engage your left leg and keep your hips from sagging.

  6. Hold the pose for five deep breaths. Inhale.

  7. To release from the pose, exhale deeply and straighten your arms so your wrists are under your shoulders.

  8. Inhale and step back to Downward Dog and stay for several breaths

  9. Repeat with your left leg forward to ensure the pose is performed equally on both sides.


After bringing your right foot forward, let your left knee to lower to the mat. Or start with the knee down, then lift up if that feels comfortable, keeping the hips level with the shoulders.

  • If your hips are tight, use blocks under your forearms.

  • If your back knee feels uncomfortable, add a rolled-up towel or mat underneath it.

  • If coming down to the forearms is too intense, stay on your palms with arms straight.

  • For pre-natal yoga, ask teacher for props to make this pose safe and comfortable.


  1. Inhale. Roll onto the outer edge of your right foot and let your right knee fall open.

  2. Drop your left knee to the floor.

  3. Bend your right knee until the sole of your foot is facing the ceiling.

  4. Flying Lizard (arm balance). Start in Lizard Pose with left knee down and toes tucked. Inhale. Exhale, thread your right hand behind your right leg to the outside of the right foot, tucking the right arm under the right leg as high up as possible. Raise the left knee and move forward, putting the weight on your hands. Wrap the right leg around the upper right arm. Find your balance. Lean forward, lifting your left leg off of the floor. To come out of the pose, very slowly and gently lower your leg, unwrap your front leg and make your way back to downward facing dog.

Practice our pose of the month with us in your next Studio or Virtual class. More details on our pose and theme of the month on our Spiraling to Wellness Member Portal!


Prasarita Padottanasana - Wide Legged Forward Fold


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