Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)
Featuring Alin in Bridge
Graduated from YTT Spring 2023
(SAY-too BAHN-duh shar-vahn-GAHS-uh-nuh)
“Bridges symbolize change and flexibility! They show us this simple philosophy: When you are on one side, you can easily move to the other side!”
― Mehmet Murat ildanBridges are connectors taking us from one side to the other. The same is true in bridge pose. We create the arch within the body as you would see in a bridge, but it is within that we are truly connecting to our higher selves. We lift our hearts to the sky, building strength in the legs as we root down and flexibility in our back as we lift and then of course landing softly to find rest.
Stretches the chest, neck, and spine
Calms the brain and helps alleviate stress and mild depression
Stimulates abdominal organs, lungs, and thyroid
Rejuvenates tired legs
Improves digestion
Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
Relieves menstrual discomfort when done supported
Reduces anxiety, fatigue, backache, headache, and insomnia
Therapeutic for asthma, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and sinusitis
Lie supine on the floor bending your knees with feet on the floor, heels close enough so you can clasp your hands around your ankles.
Take a deep inhale and exhale, then pressing your inner feet and arms actively into the floor (firming,
but not hardening the buttocks) lift your buttocks until thighs are parallel with the floor.
Clasp the hands below your pelvis and draw your shoulders close together.
Keep your neck long and avoid arching.
Stay lifted for as long as comfortable and then gently lower down hugging your knees to your chest.
Place a thickly folded blanket under your shoulders to protect your neck.
Place a block or bolster under the sacrum for extra support.
Practice our pose of the month with us in your next Studio or Virtual class.