“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” ― John Lubbock
REST is essential to every aspect of our being – mind, body and spirit. Otherwise, we can’t function at our ideal level. So, why do we do so little of it? This month’s Spiraling to Wellness theme offers an opportunity for us to define what rest means in our lives, where and when we need to stop, shut down the power, unplug (yes, our phones), and tune in to the peace that exists if we look for it.
Here are some pondering points:
How often do you rest? Is it only when your body forces you to?
What does your rest look like?
Can you rest your body, mind, and spirit separately? Can you rest during physical movement or be physically still, but continue your thoughts?
Join on Sunday, August 16, 10 am, at swiig Juice Bar & Cafe for a restful gathering and idea-sharing session. Join us for good conversation, great ideas, big inspirations, and coffee, tea, etc. We’d love to see you!
Questions presented by Eileen Seiler, RYT & Writer for Nourishing Storm. Eileen is a writer and teacher at Nourishing Storm. You can catch her Brewing Storm classes Fridays at 9:30 am (in studio).