How do you FIND?
It seems simply enough when it comes to keys, directions, a new house or job, or even time to do the things you love. But, if we go deeper (as we always do for our monthly theme) the meaning changes when the end result is not so concrete. Think about how you define the word “find” in your life.
Rebounding — What Matters & How We Bounce Back
Think about when you are walking down a path – one of life’s many – and it feels so right. It may be the path of a relationship, a career, a health journey, or all of the above. You just know in your heart that everything you experienced to this point has brought you to this amazing place. You’re in alignment, connected to others, to yourself, to life.
Dream BIG — Rituals (Day & Night) to Keep You Chasing Your Dreams
I am a believer in dreaming BIG and I think, more and more, people I meet feel the same. So, with all these big beautiful dreams living in our hearts and minds, why do we continue to feel stuck or limited in our lives?