Integrate—Merging Flow & Resistance

When I think of integration, I think of the feeling I get when I give and receive a hug from someone I love; when we get the chance to just hold each other and time seems to stand still. Or, there are times when I experience a cool breeze while overlooking a field of tall grass and I am suddenly part of the dance. It’s a sense of wholeness, flowing together as one. There is nothing else I need or want. I can just breathe. 

I am sure you remember feelings of integration, when time eludes us and we are just simply living. And, other times it all feels broken apart and the idea of “getting it all done” or bringing everyone together seems impossible.

I am finding that there is a need for both… flow and resistance. Both provide beautiful opportunities to discover what feels right and what may no longer be serving us. Every single day we wake up and have 1,000 + choices and each choice leads to another. When we are connected with the flow of things, all the time and energy we have put into our relationships, health, work, and community seem to pay off. Often, that feeling is hard to describe in words, but may simply present itself in a content smile.

When we do feel resistance and nothing seems to be working, that’s when the real fun begins as we delve into the “why and how”.

Powerful Questions to ask when the resistance comes:

  1. Can you change the situation?

  2. If so, what is the outcome you desire?

  3. If not, can you find a way to rework it to be in sync with the path you feel called to walk on?

That might take getting really clear with yourself and others – we are talking throat chakra work and also a little confidence from that solar plexus. 

And here is where I remind you …

  • You make the rules and there really are no deadends or roadblocks.

  • Learn to see challenges as opportunities to grow and expand – it is just a perspective shift. The “redirects” in our lives are leading us to more open doors.

  • Beauty can be found in every moment – look for it!

  • There are tools – all the healing practices you have learned to this point. USE THEM each and every day to help find your center.

  • Be open to the surprises in life in the form of people, job opportunities, windows to travel, etc. Follow the sparks. They can lead to the most incredible places of true integration.

Mantras for Integration:

  • I trust the timing of my life

  • I choose to resist or flow, the choice is mine

  • I deserve all I desire

  • I believe in the healing practice that I commit to everyday

  • I am a creator, an artist, a manifestor of BIG dreams

As we start this new month and focus on the theme of Integration I will leave you with …

What can you let go of to create a life that feels truly integrated; one that makes you feel alive in every aspect… because it is a life YOU have chosen?

Take time to journal and get clear. Pick a path and move with it. As you journey on, embrace the waves, they can and will lead you to the most beautiful places! Believe in your dreams, be ready to emerge, take the time to heal, but keep moving, at any pace. An integrated life is yours to have. You choose when, how and what it looks like.

As always the Storm team would love to follow your journey. When posting about your journey related to our theme, please tag us @nourishingstorm with the hashtag #nsIntegrate so we can follow along.


Flourishing for All


Warrior 2 — Expanding in All Directions