Warrior 2 — Expanding in All Directions


Virabhadra is the name of a tall, dark and fierce deity, depicted with a thousand arms, flaming hair and eyes, and wearing a garland of skulls. She represents patience, persistence and ultimately expansion. Practicing this pose helps to build strength, stability and stamina in the body, mind and spirit. Find your gaze, set your intention and ride the waves of your breath to find your flow and be open to expand in all directions in this most peaceful warrior pose.


  • Strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles

  • Stretches the groins, chest and lungs, shoulders

  • Stimulates abdominal organs

  • Increases stamina

  • Relieves backaches, especially through second trimester of pregnancy

  • Therapeutic for carpal tunnel syndrome, flat feet, infertility, osteoporosis, and sciatica

– Benefits from Yoga Journal


  1. Start in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) and step your left foot back so your feet are about 3-4 feet apart. Front heel in line with the arch of the back foot.

  2. Bend your right knee over your ankle keeping your right toes facing forward while keeping your back leg straight and left foot angled at 90 degrees. Draw your arms out and gaze over your right middle finger and left arm reaching back behind you, palms facing down.

  3. Feel the strength and length you are creating in your legs, arms and torso.

  4. To release the pose, step back to Mountain Pose and repeat on opposite side.


  • Direct the front knee above the front heel

  • Hips level

  • Pelvis neutral

  • Shoulder blades back and down

  • Energy up through the spine and out from the heart through the fingertips

  • Press through the feet to release


  • Less of a bend of the knee in the front leg

  • Hands to hips

  • If you have difficulty supporting yourself in this pose, position a metal folding chair outside your left leg, with the front edge of the chair seat facing you. As you bend the left knee to come into the pose, slide the front edge of the seat under your left thigh (taller students may need to build up the height of the chair seat with a thickly folded blanket). Repeat with the right leg bent.

Practice Warrior II with us at the Storm(s) online, in studio or outdoors.


Integrate—Merging Flow & Resistance


Integrate—Merging Flow & Resistance