Find Your Ideal Work

We are all destined, born to do something. Sometimes we find sparks/inspiration early on and sometimes we need tools to find the work that is calling you. Here is one of my favorite exercises to lead clients through when exploring ideal work. Get yourself to a quiet place you can journey about the following questions. 

Note- this exercise is found in Spiraling to Wellness Layer 1, Chapter “AWAKEN”

Things you enjoy 

What are you passionate about? What energizes you? Consider your ideal environment, the types of people you like to be around, and the activities that bring you joy. When you love your work, you continually ignite the desire to keep moving forward. 

Things you’re good at 

What are your strengths? What comes naturally to you? What have people told you that you do well? Whether it is motivating people, organizing things, public speaking, or cooking, figure out what that is for you and use it to your advantage. Adding this component helps you excel at what you do, increases your confidence, and builds upon your successes. 

Things that are good for the world 

What could the world use more of? What could people benefit from, and what would they be willing to pay for? Consider the needs that you see around you in your everyday life – at work, in the news, or within your circle of friends and family. Factoring this piece into the equation allows you to contribute to the lives of others and helps you realize that individuals need your services.

Next look for recurring themes and/or anything that jumps off the page. Take a look at the center where all the circles connect- what do you see?

If you are still not sure of your Ideal work, your spark, ask yourself the following:

PQ: What would you do if you had all the time and all the money in the world? 

PQ: What do you do in your free time, when no one is watching? 

We know the answers- we just need to listen to what our heart is telling us. Embrace the journey and know you are exactly in the place you need to be to move forward.

This exercise was inspired by my coaching school The Institute for Integrative Nutrition.


Mediterranean Quinoa Salad


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