Virabhadrasana I (Warrior 1) — Integrating Strength, Confidence, and a Calm Open Heart

When you think of a warrior, what do you think? Brave, strong, confident, filled with love? Warriors in yoga get their strength from grounding their feet to the earth, their confidence through practice and the love, through opening their heart and chest. Practice this pose to feel the delicate balance between receiving energy from the earth and sending it right back out through your heart center.


  • Stretches the chest and lungs, shoulders and neck, belly, groins (psoas)

  • Strengthens the shoulders and arms, and the muscles of the back

  • Strengthens and stretches the thighs, calves and ankles

– Benefits from Yoga Journal


  1. Begin in Mountain Pose (Tadasana), standing with your feet hip-distance apart and your arms at your sides. Draw your awareness inward. Turn to the left.

  2. Exhale as you step your left foot back, about 4 to 5 feet.

  3. Pivot your left foot inwards at a 45-degree angle.

  4. Align your front heel with the heel of your back foot. Keep your pelvis turned toward the front of your mat.

  5. Press your weight through your left heel. Then, exhale as you bend your right knee over your right ankle. Lift through the arches of your feet, while rooting down through your ankles.

  6. Reach up strongly through your arms. Broaden across your belly, lengthen the sides of your waist, and lift through your chest. Keep your palms and fingers active and reaching.

  7. Gently tilt your head back and gaze up at your thumbs. Keep your shoulders away from your ears. Feel your shoulder blades pressing firmly inward.

  8. Press down through the outer edge of your back foot, keeping your back leg straight.

  9. To release the pose, step back to Mountain Pose and repeat on the opposite side.


  • Make a “V” with our arms radiating love and joy!

  • Interlock your hands behind your back, lift your heart and chin and shine.

  • Humble Warrior – interlock hands behind back and fold forward or bring hands towards the earth while folding


  • Step feet wider apart to be able to draw both hip points forward

Practice Warrior I with us at the Storm(s) online, in studio or outdoors.


Integrate—Merging Flow & Resistance


A Healing Journey + Tips Learned Along the Way