Make a Happy List

There is one thing we all have in common, well many things but one I know to be especially true is that we all want to be happy! Ask anyone and at the root of their being, they crave happiness. We hear how much it’s something we have to achieve within on our lives, no one can do it for us which I whole heartily agree. But sometimes when we are not feeling so happy, it can actually make us even more unhappy trying to figure out what to do!

That’s why I work with my students and clients on a happy list. Here is how it works …

When you are feeling good and happy and only then, list out 5-10 things that make you happy. Try not to include material things or much outside your self other than natural things like observing and just being you so that your happiness is not dependent on an outcome you can’t control.

We must do this when we are feeling good because that’s when we can sort out what’s best for us. And so once your list is done out it somewhere you can find when you are not so happy, try your meditation/yoga space. When you feel called to go to your list your job is to pick one thing and just go do it. You might not feel like it, but do it anyway! I promise will feel so much better if you do something that naturally lifts you. Sometimes it does not take much, other times we need to be consistent about adding things from the happy list. Regardless stay dedicated to the path of finding happiness within.

Your turn, list out your 5-10 happy things … 


  1. Go in nature

  2. Get in, near the water.

  3. Cook a nourishing meal for yourself/family/friends.

  4. Give hugs, and kisses too!

  5. Spend time with children and/or animals.


You + Everyone


Borrowed River House