Scatter Joy- A Flourishing Tadanasa


They say how you stand in Tadasana is how you stand in life! What if you throw your arms up in Tadasana and really open yourself up to all that is possible?!

Tadasana, Mountain Pose is a great way to ground yourself in the beginning of the practice.

You can come back here often to check on your breath and your power and confidence and remind yourself of your intention and of course scatter a little joy along the way!


  • Improves posture

  • Strengthens thighs, knees, and ankles

  • Firms abdomen and buttocks

  • Relieves sciatica

  • Reduces flat feet

  • AND promotes JOY!!

– Benefits from Yoga Journal


  1. Stand with feet together and arms at the side, fingertips spread nice and wide, palms facing out.

  2. Lift and spread your toes and gently release them back down and rock back and forth and front to back.

  3. Come back to standing still with your weight balanced evenly on the feet.

  4. Engage thigh muscles and lift kneecaps but keep the belly soft and lift the arches of the feet.

  5. Inhale and imagine a line of energy from the toes through the hips, torso, neck and the crown of the head and lengthen the spine.

  6. Press the shoulder blades into your back and release them down your back without lifting the chest.

  7. Now lift your arms up overhead and say your intention quietly or scream it out to the universe- it all works!


• Reach your arms overhead
• Interlock fingers and reach side to side
• Interlace hand behind back
• Add a slight back bend as you reach back


• Spread your feet 3 to 5 inches apart
• Slight bend of the knees

Practice Scatter Joy as you are out and about and also with us at the Storm(s) online, in-studio, or outdoors.


9 Practices to Cultivate Unity


Flourishing for All