9 Practices to Cultivate Unity

I have always dreamed and held very closely in my heart the idea of a community, a tribe, a world where we can celebrate each other’s strengths, respect our differences, and ultimately come together with the common goal of doing our best everyday to lift others up. After all, as we learned in our month of flourishing, all flourishing is mutual…

And so in honor of uniting, I offer these tools:

  1. Listen. Truly being present and hearing what someone is sharing. And that includes understanding, without judgement, the intention behind what they are saying.

  1. Speak up when you do not feel heard or understood. Being brave is the kindest thing you can do and that means having hard conversations, right away, before they lead to resentment or potential heartache.

  1. Accept that we all come from different experiences and backgrounds and that no one way is “right”.

  1. Be Patient with your own healing and that of others. These things do take time.

  1. Show up for your daily practices, the ones that make you feel your best.

  1. Love. It is the only choice for bringing us closer together.

  1. Connect with people that fill you with joy and inspire you. Music, books, gatherings all offer the energy of great connection with like-minded souls.

  1. Lead with your Heart. When you doubt your next move, close your eyes and go to your heart. Trust you know what brings you closer to your tribe.

  1. Believe that we are all stronger together, if only we are willing to unite.

Wherever you are, know that your tribe is out there with common goals. The clearer you are about the CommUNITY you want to connect with and the more energy you put into cultivating this kind of love and support, the easier it will find you. 

At the Storm(s) we will be putting our energy, more than ever into how we unite, in all things. We will be focusing on a walking meditation as our pose of the month. Gather your tribe, get out in nature, go for walk and be present with the flow of how you move, within your breath and with others. 

Love to hear how you are practicing uniting with those around you. Please share and tag us @nourishingstorm and @inspiring.storm with the hashtag #nsunite.


Unite- A Walking Meditation


Scatter Joy- A Flourishing Tadanasa