Hanumanasana - Monkey Pose/Full Split
Monkey Pose, commonly known as “the split,” is an advanced leg stretch and hip-opener. The yoga version of this pose keeps the hips squared to the front, unlike the version practiced in dance where the hips are opened more to the side.
The Sanskrit name for this pose, “Hanumanasana” is named after the Hindu monkey god, Hanuman. In an ancient story, Hanuman took one giant leap all the way from India to Sri Lanka, and then one more leap to return to India. Hanumanasana mimics his leap! By practicing the pose on each side, you become like Hanuman, soaring to a new heights!
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana - One-Legged King Pigeon Pose
For an ultimate hip opener, heart opener and back bend all in one, One Legged Pigeon King poses can offer many benefits for both the body and mind. Practice with ease and grace as you first get the hip opening qualities, then the heart opener as you reach back for your bent knee and then finally for the back bend as you continue to rise into the fullest expression.