What Can You Do Every Day?

The longer I walk (sometimes crawl), dance, laugh, cry at times, along this path, the more I realize it is not about attaining some kind of perfection. As you try harder, for something you are dreaming up, more and more desires start to unfold and become the focus.

What if instead we just keep showing up, do our best, even enjoy the dance of it all along the way and then peacefully thank all that gave us breath and ability to be and rest in our beds each night. This running, this needing more, this attainment for what is not already can and has been exhausting.

If I have learned anything during the time of COVID, and I am still learning, I have learned if we open our eyes to the gifts being presented, mostly in the beauty of becoming in each moment. Admittedly I only really noticed this when things took the pace it did as we were asked to stay at home. Among the gifts I observed during this time was the laughter of my children, how I missed playing with them. I also really tuned into the simplicity in sitting and writing, how life just happens without too much effort- amazing! 

It is with an open mind and with space to observe and integrate we can weave in our hearts desires as we get clear each day and give thanks each night. This is my daily practice, wake up, grab a little java (or warm water with lemon) and then onto my meditation cushion to breathe, listen, and start my day with stillness and clarity. The rest of the time throughout the day is filled with meetings, projects, errands, time in nature and with my babes when I feel I might be getting out of focus (i.e. not moving from the heart) but all of this ends with me back on my cushion, breathing, listening, reviewing my day and giving thanks. These practices at the start and end of each day, a few minutes each, have saved me and created the kind of flow I was working way too hard to attain in months prior. 

PQ: What is your practice? 

PQ: What can you do everyday? 

Get Still, Observe, Listen, Write it down. 

Your life, your peace and harmony is waiting for you to discover so you can gracefully dance through your days. Nourish on my loves and stay consistent on what fuels you. 

Post with #nsconsistency (and tag @spiraltowellness) or comment below with what you do every day to stay in your center.


Turtle Love


Wise Sages