Wise Sages

We all know them. Whether it be in books, on social media (dare I say), your neighbors, perfect strangers, teachers, children, etc. As I have learned, age and wisdom do not always go hand in hand. Some of the wisest people I have met have been much younger than me. When someone is trying to tell you something, do yourself and them a favor, and listen.

Wise people tell us in their own words to find passionate love for your art and joy in being able to serve others. One in particular, a favorite author of mine who inspired me and accompanied me, through audio, in a cabin writing get-away was Elizabeth Gilbert with the book Big Magic. I learned that the insights that come to us are gifts and it is our honor to see them through. And if we are recognizing these insights, then we most likely have everything it takes to see them through. What genius! And a reminder I needed to hear among others that night! She shares so much passion, wisdom and truth. I so appreciate all the light that continues to come through Elizabeth Gilbert as she rides the waves of her life and shares her experience so powerfully.

PQ: Who is the wisest person you know?

PQ: How can you spend more time with this person? (spend as much time with them as you can)


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