Inspiration & Guidance for Nourishment

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

What are you SEEKing?

Seeking physical things like a new job, financial success, education, your friend hiding in the bushes, or lost treasure (hey, you never know), is a pretty concrete process with not too many surprises (except for the treasure.) Seeking what is in your heart, providing you can actually name that thing, requires a deeper dive and may be filled with surprises.

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Awareness Kristin Ritter Awareness Kristin Ritter

Wise Sages

We all know them. Whether it be in books, on social media (dare I say), your neighbors, perfect strangers, teachers, children, etc. As I have learned, age and wisdom do not always go hand in hand. Some of the wisest people I have met have been much younger than me. When someone is trying to tell you something, do yourself and them a favor, and listen.

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