Unite- A Walking Meditation

“Meditation is a way for nourishing and blossoming the divine within you.”
– Amit Ray

Meditation does not always have to be done seated still or even alone. You can move with your meditation by yourself or with a group, simply by going for a walk, slowly and mindfully. 


  • Increases ability to relax, cope with stress and focus

  • Improves mood and emotional intelligence

  • Lessens worry and anxiety

  • Enhances self-esteem and self-acceptance

  • Boosts immune system and energy levels

  • Promotes unity, especially with your surroundings and/or with those you walk with


  1. Choose a space to walk. This could be outdoors or even in your home.

  2. Start by noticing how your feet touch the earth. This is best practiced barefoot but if you need your shoes for stability keep them on.

  3. As you walk slowly, stay mindful in all your movements concentrating your mind on each step.

  4. Walk in a circular direction or straight along a path.

  5. If and when you get distracted anchor yourself back into how your feet touch the earth.

  6. When you are finished your walk close your eyes and stand still to feel what you have cultivated. Take notes on your experience or share with your friends.

Practice a walking meditation on your own, with a group of friends, in an upcoming Storm Life Yoga Class.


A (Transcending) Dance Party


9 Practices to Cultivate Unity