GIVE. It’s something we do every day in so many ways we don’t even think about. We give our time and energy to our job, volunteer work, or other responsibilities; we give our hearts to our loved ones; we give gifts for special occasions; maybe we give money to charity; hopefully, we give ourselves some TLC. Our S2W discussion this month focuses on what and how each of us gives and how that giving affects the larger community.
Salamba Sarvangasana - Supported Shoulderstand
Supported Shoulderstand is an inverted yoga pose that stretches the back of the neck while strengthening the spine and core muscles. It is appropriate for intermediate to advanced yoga students.
Surprise yourself!
I don’t know about you, but I love surprises. They bring you in directions you might not have taken otherwise. As our S2W theme of the month for October, we’ll consider how
SURPRISE fits into our lives and how we can welcome it as a way of opening our minds and hearts. Who knows? You may surprise yourself with what comes up during our lively, free-flowing discussion.
Viparita Karani - Legs up the Wall
Legs Up the Wall is a rejuvenating inversion that brings relief to the legs, feet, spine and nervous system. It’s a gentle way to bring the body into a state of deep relaxation and renewal and accessible to anyone, no matter their level of experience.
The Power of Intention
To mindfully make the leap (or baby steps) from intention to results requires clarity, self-knowledge, and determination. Let’s see if we can get there, together.
Bharmanasana - Table Top Pose
Tabletop provides a nice transition from seated to standing poses. It brings awareness of the core and spine by engaging the muscles to create length and strength. It also assists you in all poses.
Surrender to the Flow
This month, we will contemplate the scary, crazy, wildly exciting idea of surrender. Here are some prompts to get the discussion started.
Uttanasana - Standing Forward Fold
Standing Forward Fold or Uttanasana, calms the mind while stretching and rejuvenating the whole body. This pose is an essential element of Sun Salutations and helps to prepare the body for deeper forward bends.
What are your CONQUERing?
The July theme of CONQUER is an exciting one, for sure. It is dynamic, invigorating, and ultimately satisfying, regardless of how big or small our challenges may be. When you overcome something like a fear or an obstacle, you gain back a sense of control, which is so important to our well-being. So let’s conquer this topic with a few thoughtful questions.
Virabhadrasana III - Warrior III
Within this pose, experiment with reaching forward as far as you can with your fingers and back with your toes. What you may find in the center is your ultimate place of unwavering balance.
How do you FIND?
It seems simply enough when it comes to keys, directions, a new house or job, or even time to do the things you love. But, if we go deeper (as we always do for our monthly theme) the meaning changes when the end result is not so concrete. Think about how you define the word “find” in your life.
Prasarita Padottanasana - Wide Legged Forward Fold
Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold is a calming forward fold that stretches the hamstrings and back. There are several arm variations and other modifications available, making this a suitable pose for yoga students of all levels!
Utthan Pristhasana – Lizard Pose
Lizard pose is a deep hip opener that mimics the flexibility that lizards have in their upper bodies as they are stretched out. This energizing pose is similar to a lunge, but more intense. In addition to opening the hips, it also targets the glutes, hip flexors, hamstrings and lower back.
What are you SEEKing?
Seeking physical things like a new job, financial success, education, your friend hiding in the bushes, or lost treasure (hey, you never know), is a pretty concrete process with not too many surprises (except for the treasure.) Seeking what is in your heart, providing you can actually name that thing, requires a deeper dive and may be filled with surprises.
4 Powerful Questions to Honor Breath
“Just breathe.” It should be written on every prescription pad in the world. It’s by no means a cure-all, but it serves to keep our bodies and minds focused, energized, and composed, laying the foundation for wellness.
Sphinx Pose - Salamba Bhujangasana
Feel the connection from the earth to the sky with the beautifully integrated Sphinx Pose. Sphinx offers a nice pose to stay grounded within the hips and legs, but offers a baby backbend to release the back and open the heart. Stay here for a while and just breathe.
What Does ABIDE Mean to You?
Abide—the word, itself, seems to have seasons. There is a time to endure, to tolerate, to acquiesce, to wait for something or someone, to rest in the moment. Sometimes it takes more courage and mindfulness to abide than to act.
Plank Pose - Kumbhakasana
Plank Pose is all about core strength and power. It is about feeling grounded and stable.